Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Golden Torso: Jamie Dornan

There's a fun interview with (212) favorite model/actor Jamie Dornan in today's Times. Naturally, Dornan -- who has a bit part in Sophia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette" -- doesn't think he's very good looking. Yet others, like Coppola and the photographer Bruce Weber and the editors at GQ magazine, which built a fashion editorial around him for a coming issue, clearly disagree:

"In the span of 20 years, I’ve seen maybe four models who have what Jamie Dornan has," said Jim Moore, the longtime creative director at GQ. And what is that? For a start, there is the way he photographs. Hackneyed as the phrase is, there is truth in the adage that there are certain faces the camera loves. Dornan's is one. There is something else, Moore said. "He’s like the male Kate Moss," he said. "His proportions are a little off. He has a slight build. He’s on the small side for male models. But his torso is long, and so he looks taller, and he brings a relaxed quality to modeling. He knows what he’s there for, but unlike a lot of people he’s not trying to be a male model. He is not modeling." (NYT)

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