Friday, May 11, 2007

The Second Coming of Maria McKee

Former Lone Justice singer and all-around (212) fave Maria McKee has a new album out called "Late December" (I'm still waiting for mine from Amazon). There's a great interview with her here. and the new disc can be ordered here. You may recall that Lone Justice's 1985 debut ranks as one of my all-time favorite albums (read more here).

If you have never experienced the ultimate drama queen herself, you're really missing out. Even without the huge voice and songwriting talent, her life would still be fascinating. Her brother is the late Bryan MacLean of the groundbreaking psychedlic group Love, her involvement in the L.A. club scene dated back to her infancy; at the age of 3, she joined MacLean at a performance at the famed Whisky-a-Go-Go and was befriended by Frank Zappa and members of the Doors; she went to Beverly Hills High School (on which West Beverly was based) with Lenny Kravitz and Slash. She was playing in her first band at 15 on the Sunset Strip, and was signed to Geffen by the time she was 18 at Linda Ronstadt's recommendation. (How could she not be a riot?)

Here are a couple little flashbacks (was it really 22 years ago???) that might help you understand how I managed to fall so deeply in love ...


Don said...

"Shelter" is an all-time favorite. I remember seeing her in DC in 1993. Since then I've wondered why she isn't more famous and have hoped she's made money and has been satisfied with her career trajectory.Sounds like she's big in Europe!

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

WOW! You drug this one from the tomb! I LOVE Maria McKee, and have for a long time - I am also anxiously anticipating her new music!

Anonymous said...

Um. This sounds like country music to me. Is it supposed to? From your description, I thought she was a punk rocker.