Monday, July 09, 2007

Page 1 Consider (07/09)

  • Now We Are Here: If you missed me guest editing over at Towleroad last week, then you didn't hear that Michael and I went to see "Xanadu" on Broadway on Thursday and loved it. Besides the music from the stellar 1980 film soundtrack, lead actor Cheyenne Jackson was the other main appealing element, and AfterElton has an interview with him here. (I didn't even realize the 6-4 hunk was openly gay -- now that's Xanadu.)

  • The Pom-Pom Club: The thug who bashed the heads of CBS News employees' Dick Jefferson and Ryan Smith with a tire iron got his sentence cut in half because new witnesses say his hairdo didn't match the one described by the victims. If the 'do don't fit you must (practically) acquit. (TheDailyHerald)

  • Barebacking: That 40-year-old gay friend The Advocate has decided to shed the wrapper and deliver itself raw. Its July 3 issue, which features a gay Marine who is a war veteran on its cover, was mailed to most subscribers with a standard address label in the lower left-hand corner, looking like any other magazine delivered by the Postal Service rather than in plastic with a blank paper shielding the magazine's identity. Michael Phelps, the publisher of The Advocate, said the new policy of openness came about after the magazine polled its readers in April, asking them if they wanted to continue to receive the magazine in the wrapper or not. "The majority no longer wanted the covering," said Phelps. "For some, they said they were environmentally conscious and wanted to cut down on waste. For others, it was more of an out-and-proud issue." (NYT)

  • I Called It: The New York Times (finally) writes an article about Fred Thompson's trophy wife problem that mirrors a blog post of mine from May 31 ("Washington, We Have a Problem"). (NYT)

  • Drag Life Goes On: Wait -- you mean that's not a drag queen doing Patti LuPone? (NYT)

  • Girl Gone Wild: A man who was arrested in a park wearing a woman's wig and a bikini has accepted a plea deal that saw a charge of public indecency dropped. Steven S. Cole, a former volunteer firefighter, pleaded guilty to a charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated and disorderly conduct. You may recall he became a bit of an Internet sensation when photos of his Tara Reidesque look made the rounds. (AP)

  • L'il Kim Would Be Proud: At least 20 people witnessed 7-year-old Tajahnique Lee get shot in the face by a stray bullet from a gun fight 15 months ago in housing project in Trenton, N.J. -- even the little girl's grandmother. But the case remains unsolved because not a single one will testify or even describe what they saw to investigators. Vera Lee, Tajahnique’s grandmother, has told friends that she would not talk to the police for fear she would "have to move out of the country." Of course I think this street gang "no snitching" policy is asinine. But if you're going to do it could you at least perform a little vigilante street justice of your own and get the people who did this? (NYT)

  • Buda-pests: Several hundred skinheads and right-wing activists threw rotten eggs and smoke bombs at people participating in a gay rights parade in Hungary's capital Saturday. Police detained several of the protesters and tried to disperse the rest, some of whom threw beer bottles at police. No injuries were reported. (AP)

  • Setting the Bar (Really) Low: A man who flunked Massachusetts’ bar exam is claiming in federal court that he failed test because he refused to answer a question related to gay marriage. According to The Associated Press, a question came up concerning the rights of two married lesbians, their children and their property. Stephen Dunne says the question itself was "morally repugnant" because it legitimizes same-sex marriage and parenting, which he opposes. (Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage in 2003.) I've heard a lot of excuses for failing the bar before, but this one is the best because combines not accepting personal responsibility with discrimination. Sounds like he's got a bright career in law ahead of him. (AP)

    Anonymous said...

    kenneth, congrats on the substitution stint at towleroad... you did a fantastic job!

    Anonymous said...

    I'd Xanadu him, but I Xanadidn't like that show.

    Anonymous said...

    This guy that failed the bar exam... they said he failed by two pints. Wouldnt the one question be one point? So either way, this bigot is STILL a loser!