Tuesday, October 02, 2007

He Shoots, but Did He Score?

Yet another public person puts nekkid photos of himself "out there" and they surface on sites for everyone to see. (Funny how that works.) This time out it was Premier League soccer star David Nugent, who tried to score with a pretty teenager by sending her a cellphone pic of his tackle ... 

Did he learn nothing from Middlesbrough defender Matthew Bates, who had a penchant for sending naked photos to his former girlfriend? The uncut version after the jump ----->


Britt said...

Regarding Mr. Bates' photo in a bedroom; Quite easy to look at but am I the only one that is turned off by seeing a grown man naked, but still wearing socks? I mean, really, if you're going to take the time to undress, at least lean down and remove the socks, too.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...looks like he's been "man-scaping".