Thursday, October 11, 2007

National Coming Out Day

I'm not sure what exactly you're supposed to do if you're already "out," but Happy Coming Out Day(!) to all of you closet cases who were just waiting for Oct. 11 to role around again so you could make your big move. (Seriously, welcome!) Don't forget to stop by the L.A. Gay & Lesbian site to read coming out stories from others who have taken the plunge, including the likes of actress Jane Lynch, actor Alec Mapa, and bloggers Greg Hernandez, Pam Spaulding, Waymon Hudson and yours truly.

Another thing you could do in observance of this day is visit some other pioneering out gays and lesbians from the world of entertainment. The Film Experience Blog takes a rather extensive look at Queer Hollywood, with detailed lists of out writers, directors, actors and actresses, that's worth checking out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Here's a great contribution from two lesbian women to commemorate the National Coming Out Day :
Coming Out in an Evangelical Church - Wow!

You can also go directly to Their story will be told in a documentary film. I feel this will be groundbreaking for the GLBT community.