Monday, November 12, 2007

'Control' Issues

Long division: Harry Treadaway, Sam Riley, James Anthony Pearson and Joe Anderson (from left)

We went to see "Control," the new biopic about the Joy Division's doomed singer, Ian Curtis, over the weekend. The casting and performances were truly brilliant and the the post-punk era is so accurately portrayed that sometimes you almost feel like you're watching a documentary. Sam Riley captures the tortured singer's quirky stage movements and vocal delivery perfectly, and Samantha Morton brings his distraught wife, Deborah, fully to life. Sound too good to be true? (NOTE TO ALL FILMMAKERS, REALLY:) How 'bout trimming a half hour (and the A+ is all yours)? (NYT)

The real thing: Joy Division in Manchester in 1979; from left, Bernard Sumner, Ian Curtis and Peter Hook.

1 comment:

Lady Hooligan Kat said...

So glad you finally saw CONTROL; it's definitely one of my favorite movies of the year. I think Sam Riley deserves an Oscar nomination!