Tom Brady has just signed on to be the new face of Smartwater. The New England Patriots quarterback has just signed a three-year deal with Coca-Cola's Glaceau division said to be worth $3 million to $5 million, plus a bonus based on sales. (You may recall that Jennifer Aniston is Smartwater's other celebrity spokesperson and slugger
David Wright pitches
Vitamin Water for the company.) Print, outdoor and Web ads begin this month. A television campaign will follow (may I suggest shirtless with water running down his chest?). The 30-year-old superstar's other endorsements include
Nike and
Stetson cologne.
tom shirtless in these ads would be amazing! did you see those pics of giselle with him in miami beach? he was like in the bottom of the pics and was definitely just in his swimsuit!
I wouldn't mind a sip or two!
My name is Brandon from QueerClick and the Gay Bloggies. I have sent you a few emails.. can you write me directly via email? I have good news.
SMARTWATER, AY? HE'll need to drink a BUS LOAD of those and we'll see if he's Smarter then an a 5 grader.
Not so pretty when it talks....lol
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