Monday, May 19, 2008

Breaking Bread

My heart sure was filled with joy last night as Michael, Chris and I had dinner downtown with our late friend Larry's mother, Faye, and his brother, Mark. As regular readers know, we lost Lar in early 2006 to a freak case of bacterial meningitis. I only met his family at his funeral but having heard so much about them over the years -- especially his "vain, straight version of himself" brother and his "overprotective mother" -- we all instantly bonded. We've managed to get together for dinner the past two years and while it certainly tugs at everyone's emotions (Mark's resemblance to Larry -- right down the analytical way of thinking/talking and mannerisms -- is at times truly unsettling), there's something wonderful and healing about being around people who were closest to someone you've lost. (With a mother like Faye, it's obvious why Larry was such a great guy.) Instead of making me feel sad, sharing memories and little stories about our Lar somehow makes me feel happier -- and reminds me how grateful I am to have had such a special friend in my life, even if I still resent the fact that it was for far too short a time ...

Michael, Chris, me and Larry at a party in December 2003

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew Larry. I never made it to his funeral. I only learned of it the very last moment. He was such a great guy. I have a few fun memories of him (unpublishable).

Sorry to be anonymous but I rather remain unknown. I guess this is more for your benefit. Larry was a good guy.