Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cindy McCunt

Did the Greatest American Hero call his wife a cunt in front of a reporter? (If John McCain did it sure would be stupid of him: everyone knows she's a drug whore.) Too bad Obama's the Democratic nominee -- I would have loved to have seen the Clinton campaign use this one in an attack ad ... (Raw Story)


Anonymous said...

Something tells me that the ever classy Clintons would be the only ones who would use this. I hate McCain, but shouldn't our national dialog on who should run the country hinge more substance than this kind of crud? Health care, the war, the economy, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

No, no, no! More sensationalist crap like this, please! From dropping the "F-bomb" to C-U-N-Tahiti, today's postings had me laughing out loud. Thanks Kenneth!