I don't have the words to explain how shocked and devastated I am to report that Larry, one of my closest and dearest friends in the entire world, died (apparently) in his sleep Saturday night on a flight from London back to NYC. He was 33 and in excellent health.
We are awaiting autopsy results to try to find some sort of explanation for this senseless tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with Larry's partner, Chris, and the entire Brickman family.
Michael and I had dinner with Larry the night before he left for Europe (for a New Year's Eve getaway with Chris in Berlin, followed by a week of business in London). He was upbeat and full of energy. My life will undoubtedly be forever better for knowing him -- but a huge hole now remains in my heart forever, too.
We love you, Lar ...
Watch Larry as a guest on CNNfn here.
Read:Larry Brickman Memorial
Read: New York City Boys
Read: The Wee Small Hours of the Morning
Read: Obituary and Guest Book
Read: Very Sad in the (212)
wow, honey. I'm sorry.
Kenneth, I did not know Larry that well. I had met him on many occasions with Chris, but even on the basis of those exchanges I always got the sense that he was a sincere person, with great integrity and a full heart. I cannot imagine what it must be like for Chris, his family and his friends. My thoughts are with you this week and I wish there was something I could do to take away some of the pain. Be strong, my friend. Lavi
Dear Kenneth,
It is a very sad time at the BofA trading floor in San Francisco. Larry was not only a colleague, but a good friend to us all. We are deeply saddened by his completely unexpected and tragic passing. I agree, we are all better people for having known him.
We would like to send our condolences to his partner Chris. Would you be able to send us contact information? My email is Brian.W.Bonds@bankofAmerica.com.
Brian Bonds
My friend Chad just emailed me this news. I am shocked - I was friends with Larry at UF, he was such a great guy - kind, down-to-earth, and sincere. My heart goes out for his partner Chris.
Thank you for your postings about Larry. He has been in my thoughts for the past few days and this news still doesn't seem like reality. He is one of the few people I have kept in touch with since high school.
Mehul Patel
Livermore, CA
I just came across your site because of a post Larry's mother made in a Meningitis community I'm in. As having has bacterial meningitis at just 18, and being told I wasn't gonna make it, I know how suddendly it comes on.
Your friend's smile just brightened me from seeing the pictures. It's obvious he had great people surrounding him, and through him, he'll live on.
I just found out about Larry today. And while I had not seen him since our freshman year of college, it makes me really sad to learn he is gone.
In high school Larry was one of the friendliest, kindest guys - very sweet, smart and funny. I considered him a good friend then, although we lost touch over the years. It was no surprise to read all the kind things you and others have written...seems he did not change from the days I knew him in middle and high school.
My condolences to Chris, Larry's family, and all his good friends.
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